:owl: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

- 1 min

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."

─ Albus Dumbledore to Neville Longbottom


Harry Potter is one of those sagas with which our generation has grown up, and many of us remember even the smallest dialogues with an astounding precission. It has taken so long to bring it to Literary Braids because, for such a short book, the braid was incredibly long! The characters are explicitly referred to very frequently, and that makes the interactions add up and up. This made it necessary to represent a reduced version of the braid (more on this in an upcoming post!). For comparison, below I leave the unreduced braid of the same book:


As you may realize, the amount of interactions has been greatly reduced, but the basic structure of the story stays basically the same.

If we start following the braid from the beginning, we will first attend to Harry’s arrival to Private Drive and his traumatized childhood with the Dursleys. After half a turn Hagrid comes and start telling him about the wizards’ world, which lasts for another half a turn. Next, Harry meets Ron and Hermione in the Hogwarts Express, which starts a bond that will last throughout the whole braid (and beyond).


As usual, the grid gathers the summary of the interactions between the main characters. A first surprise is that the Harry-Ron interactions almost double Harry-Hermione ones. Ron also has a lot more of encounters with Malfoy than Hermione, but she interacts more with Snape than he. The Dursleys also play an important role in this book, interacting a lot with Harry and between themselves.

So long for this week’s braid. You can always find more at Literary Braid’s Twitter and Instagram.

Ismael Medina

Ismael Medina

Math and books and code

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